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Cadet Awards


Top Cadet

The recipients of the Top Cadet Awards, Level One through Four, are determined through a selection board process with consideration given to proficiency attained in their training level, attendance record of at least 75%, uniform inspections, their participation in Squadron fundraising and extracurricular activities as well as demonstrated leadership skills.

Most Promising Cadet

The recipient of this award is determined by a Selection Board process and must be undergoing Level One or Two training.  In addition, they must have made a significant contribution to the good morale of the Squadron; an attendance report of 80%; actively participated in fundraising and extracurricular activities; and display the potential to become an effective leader within the Squadron.


Most Improved Cadet

The Cadet selected for this award must be undergoing Level Two or above training and have demonstrated the most significant improvement in Dress and Deportment this training year.

Citizenship Trophy

The recipient of this trophy must have displayed a high degree of community service with a service club, community organization, school or church group and/or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Program.

Top Military Bandsman

This award is presented to the best overall Military Band member.  Criteria for selection includes band practices and performances, a superior performance in both compulsory level training and music level training, exceptional dress and deportment, and they must have demonstrated strong leadership skills.

Top Marksmanship

Awarded to the Cadet with the highest Marksmanship score.

Captain Kevin Naismith Memorial Trophy - Top Ground School Candidate

Donated by 416 TFS in honour of Captain Naismith - This award is presented to the cadet who achieves the highest average mark on the Canadian Forces Flying or Gliding Qualifying Exam.


Outstanding Cadet

Donated by Captain Jim Leung CD ret’d - This award is presented to the highest overall rated cadet in the Squadron, Junior or Senior.  The recipient must have 90% attendance; be among the top ten Cadets of the Squadron in fundraising and community service; display excellent dress and deportment and leadership skills; and be considered a worthy ambassador for the Air Cadet Movement.

2Lt. Ryan “Vassy” Vastenhout Memorial Award

The 2Lt. Ryan “Vassy” Vastenhout Memorial Award was donated in 2016 to the squadron by the Vastenhout family in memory of their son Ryan, who suddenly passed away on June 15th, 2015. 2Lt. Vastenhout or “Vassy”, was a former cadet with 88 who obtained the rank of WO1. He knew before the age of 12 that cadets was something he want to become a part of and during his time as a cadet he showed great dedication to the cadet program by partaking in every opportunity that it offered, and excelling at it.


In honor of his memory and dedication this award is presented to the cadet who shows the most dedication to the Air Cadet Movement through participating in mandatory, mandatory supported and optional training opportunities through out the training year. The recipient also exhibits excellent leadership skills through the inclusion and mentoring of other cadets. By the end of the training year the recipient must have maintained a minimum of 90% attendance on all mandatory training activities; partaken in a minimum of 75% of mandatory supported training activities; had a high level of participation in Squadron optional activities and teams;  displayed excellent drill, dress and deportment; and demonstrated exceptional leadership and mentoring skills.

Royal Canadian Legion Cadet Medal of Excellence

This award is presented to the cadet who best exemplifies the “Citizenship” aspects of the Cadet program. The recipient must have participated in community service events outside the Squadron, displayed cooperation with peers and subordinates, promoted goodwill and morale within the Squadron and enhanced the image of the Cadet Organization in the local community.

Lord Strathcona Medal

The Strathcona Medal is the highest civilian award that can be granted to a Cadet in recognition of high performance in physical and military training.  The selected recipient must have a wide range of experience in the activities of the Cadet movement, 75% attendance; participated in a survival exercise, citizenship activities, demonstrated a high degree of physical fitness and obtained a high standard of proficiency at a senior training level.


Air Cadet Service Medal

The Air Cadet Service Medal is presented to Cadets who have completed four years on honourable service in the Cadet program.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."- pele

This is an unofficial cadet website that is not intended to represent in any way the policies or procedures of either the Department of National Defense, the Canadian Armed Forces or the Cadet Leagues of Canada. This is not a Canadian Armed Forces website. The website is maintained on behalf of the Squadron Local Committee for 88 Airdrie Lynx Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

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